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Writer's pictureBrandon Klotz


My Dear Muckworth,

‘Twas a good report yours was which highlights your indubitable progress in the dark arts, though, only me considered, one would be toying with the light to entertain the slightest expectation to the contrary. I would, however, draw your attention to the fact that insisting on exerting maximum effort for results that can be achieved with dubious means and requiring significantly less demand is less than ideal. Master the latter and convincing your patient becomes that much easier, for you will have traversed the quagmiric impasse of knowledge acquisition enabling you to accurately represent realities based on your thought and experience. Anymore, an accurate representation of anything is not necessary, for which we can only be grateful, and because of which many are turned to our way. Waste nothing on accurate portrayals when a verisimilitude will suffice.

It was a cruelly clever initiative that sought long ago to suggest bifurcating their mental connection between the seen and the unseen. Operation ‘Destroyanation’ if I'm not mistaken. The descent towards the Schaefferian ‘Line of Despair’ started with a plant in the intelligentsia as it almost always does. Though minds of this caliber lack not drive or capacity nor even curiosity, they have nearly always sworn an allegiance to the ‘new’ and ‘different’ that they inevitably, and predictably, conclude that that contrary to reason is progress, much like a hungry and intelligentsia-bent carnivore would novely conclude that rather than chase the prey, he is going to provide for the pride by running away from the prey in order to capture it, for everyone before him must have been wrong. The pride would quickly discover it doesn’t work and be forced to settle for nettles and sawgrass while claiming their pride’s superior technique. Those on earth aren’t that much different. But you cannot get her onto accepting an unsustainable position without inculcating either the desire to discover a new nonsensical ideological novelty, or the blind obeisance to those who claim to have knowledge of such.

Once the separation of the seen and unseen has been made, you must follow this up with a host of insulting intellectual grievances which you must pass off as true, such as: ‘all manner of facts have been discovered that prove the impossibility of unseen realities’ (just let her not consider the nature of the ‘logic’ on which the statement depends), and ‘interaction with and therefore accurate judgment on unseen realities is not possible as they don’t exist (just distract from the speaker’s ‘truth claim’, ‘validity’, ‘intent’, and ‘character’). The willingness to turn a blind eye to the obvious is incredibly difficult to instill but even more difficult to remove once instilled, for it carries with it a host of attachments that naturally prevent its removal, as parts of one’s life have been built on them. Nearly everyone claims to want the good, but few care for the necessary mental breakdown required to attain it.

To suggest that reason and spiritual realities are incompatible would be a waste of time, as you could more easily enroll her in our gulag of educational institutions that teach the same. The network of Isengard, in which Orcs are bred, has never been bigger. And to think that we convince them to attend voluntarily. The proposition that reason and spirituality are compatible is one we would rather have them not discover, as we prefer portraying an antithetical juxtaposition. Though the pursuit of one without the other will yield neither, for to attempt to be ‘spiritual’ without reason is to deny the framework within which spiritual realities operate, and to deny the spiritual yields the glorious mess that is modern society, in which the authoritarian reign of reason prevents one from answering ‘what kind of a creature am I to have chosen reason for an idol?’ for reason alone can neither explain who they are nor why they have chosen a pursuit in the first place.

It is to these environments that you must lead your patient, for the pursuit of truth is the least threat in places that tout it but don’t practice it. Within the contrived world of ‘reason alone,’ a host of abominations come to fruition. Reason, far from its intended use as a tool, becomes a currency to be traded in. This would not be possible without first convincing them of reason’s supremacy, for few if any would invest themselves into a project while denying the use of essential structural materials. Once one accepts the split, they can more easily justify ignoring undesirable realities while seeking health, wholeness, and enlightenment, but they cannot make them go away. The natural result is all sorts of debasement, as what’s missing, they conclude, must be in the sense perceptible world. Yet, no one stops to wonder about the origins of the rise of mental illnesses which are undiscoverable so long as they insist on forcing reality to submit to their desires. Much easier to scapegoat grey matter as the nebulous source of incomprehensible maladies than examine the forces and realities that contributed to their development. Realities that, conveniently for us, don’t exist. [There are, of course, biological mental maladies of a different kind which are not here the topic of discussion.]

The desire for prestige leads many to advertise possessing knowledge beyond what they have rights to claim. The atrocities that result would require numerous letters, but I don’t consider your understanding a goal worthy of the effort required. It is not those without understanding you should fear your patient meeting, it is those who have it. Perhaps you could introduce her to one of the over-reachers described above. Those whose ambitions outrun reality make quick work of making leaders, choosing short term gains at the expense of the future. Such are prime examples of the results of mistaking information for knowledge. Your patient, whose current state is seeking much without actualization, will find it hard to resist the pull to be somebody at the expense of reason. Games with the prospect of yielding something are temporarily better than games that have proven to yield nothing. Degrees from such often do nothing more than provide a bigger stick with which to beat the sincere into submission. None offer a degree in living a life that others would actually want to imitate. Your patient must choose from many options of what is really going on so ensure she doesn’t find out. There are those who jump and wave their arms with grandiose claims and promises that they have discovered a spring, and there are those who have discovered that palm trees speak for themselves. Guide her to the former.

A leader of leaders,


P.S. - I will have you know that because of your claim to not know, I know your problem is you don’t know what I know which is your lack of using the word ‘know’. If you knew what I know, you would clearly know that the knowledge I have given you is adequate for life. If you, against all advice, refuse to use the word ‘know’, as I know you will, you know you won’t amount to much and I would rather not know you, or at least have others know that you know what I claim to know and still refuse to use know as you know I want you to. And we both know where that leads. You know?

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