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Writer's pictureBrandon Klotz


Esteemed Muckworth,


In addition to ‘Endless Gadgetry Acquisitionitis’, I've caught wind of a new wave of incoherent thought that it wouldn’t be unwise to capitalize on. Few, if any, would support a politician who railed in English against the detestable nature and necessary abolition of the English language. Similarly, only a special selection of human specimens would stand to give a lecture on the illusory and purely fantasaical fictition called gravity. In both cases, their efforts are only possible thanks to the existence of that which they attempt to convince others against. Such folly is quite subtle and often hard to notice, but with practice becomes painfully obvious. Truly, such a welcome misstep is only possible in intellectual enclaves that allow an aristocratic removal from the black-and-white realities of real life, in which one’s subsistence allows for an unchecked indulgence in the ‘whims of the flesh’, meanwhile leaving the great professorial realities of cause and effect outside one’s cabinet. This allows for a flourishing of cognitive nonsense, while the cultural ease of acquiring means provides an illusory encouragement that their choices are being rewarded, nevermind the objective origins that provided the foundation for the landscape that allowed their environment to flourish in the first place (flourishing in some respects, that is). Without a crucifixorial commitment to logic, first causes, facts, and the willingness to adjust oneself accordingly, they are left with an “anything goes” philosophy which is always accompanied by the unavoidable (but temporarily possible to avoid considering) reality that “any consequence does not.” Indeed, such a philosophy is necessary to appease the remaining holdouts of logic and reason in fallen minds, though slim they might be. It is not uncommon to hear those with life, who’ve only witnessed life come from life, to claim that life came from non-life, despite never witnessing it. It would also be fun to suggest that your patient can objectively hold that everything is subjective and still be consistent. Their intellectual integrity will determine whether they persist here in willful contradiction or dare to follow the light to our enemy’s realm. Just don’t forget to first do the fire dance to ward off anyone that might ask whether or not her opinion is objective – it tends to create an unpleasantly difficult atmosphere to work in.  


They don’t know this, but the truth is that truth must exist, for one cannot claim its nonexistence without invoking its existence. Once one concludes that reality is not subjective, they are left tantalizingly close to he who grounds all grounds. There is a most spectacular bumper sticker these days (to give but one palatable example) that stands more as a delusional testament to one's inability to reason than as a convincing philosophical option. ‘COEXIST’ it reads with the profundity of a ruminant’s cud – a most desirable delicacy. However, such ministers leave no room for those whose philosophical mantra is “DON’T COEXIST”. Proponents of the former, unable to see through the philosophical quagmire, are left shouting for everyone to submit to their objective opinion that “all opinions are subjective and therefore should get along.” For without the objective, rivaling factions abound with an undesirable ferocity leaving onlookers attempting to place a damper on that which is, in fact, the direct result of the espousers’ own philosophy, but no such damper exists (at least under a subjective philosophy). But to be consistent, such espousers must welcome those whose bumper reads “co-existers should not exist” or “everyone but co-existers can merge” or even “charge co-existers more for gas” - all unpleasant yet permissible subjective opinions that would hasten the original preacher’s ascension to the objective surprisingly quickly, if only for retaliation. See that your patient’s reason stays on the level of making claims and does not proceed to the understanding that claims and physical reality are inseparable. The more we can lead them to cutting the branch on which they sit in the attempt to gain philosophical enlightenment, the greater the picnic on the ground below.  


The more incorrect one’s view, the louder, more forceful, and deceptive one must be to achieve control. See to it that your patient is accustomed to being swayed by the loud and bombastic, thinking ‘might makes right’, for the sheer volume will make it more difficult for her to consider if the whole sound system can be unplugged. You mustn’t, but your patient must, confuse the ability to choose with the idea that all choices are equal. All choices are, in fact, equal but only in the sense that they can be chosen. For once a choice has been made, a limited determinism takes over disallowing a choice to be unmade and furthermore determining without negotiation the options now available for choosing. The human experience works no other way. We would have them pretend that reality is a clean slate, subject only to subjective whimsical fantasies, for they will then be unable to withstand the great reckoning. And given that reality is foundationally objective, and none can say otherwise without affirming such is the case – for to argue is to argue the existence of that which settles an argument, otherwise its tantamount to blowing hot air, something you quite naturally excel at –  there can’t not be a great reckoning. Even for you... 


Be encouraged, 



P.S. - Every truly great endeavor thrives on wisdom. My renowned wisdom is prompting me to consider a self-help book called, “How to build anything by depending on those dependent on you” If it lands, I might consider a sequel, “How to salvage my ambitions with your funds and offspring.” But only if the first one lands, for then I’d have the funds for the second. Unless you have them? Doubtful. I’ve heard you haven't even the stomach for your written lessons. It is a bit surprising, considering I’ve yet to lay a claw on you or beat you to the bloody pulp. If you don't stop crying, I'll give you something to cry about. Yell for help all you want. Down here, there is no help. There’s no escape. Nobody cares. You’ve got a lot to learn! Welcome to hell...  

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