My Dear Muckworth,
I am sick of writing letters to you. You don’t seem to learn anything, your patient has started listening to a Narnian audio-drama, and I haven’t slept in 43 years. Understand that sleep is of more importance to your patient than food or water, for if all were stopped at the same time, her need for sleep would consume her the quickest. Never has so much been owed by so many to so simple a tool. Your patient’s rest is your Kryptonite, for it affects all the other faculties. Leading her to exhaustion is a dubious task that requires some skill for it can only be achieved indirectly. You cannot bring about exhaustion on its own for it is dependent on circumstances, and you cannot bring about circumstances without the ideas that produce them. Such source ideas you would do well to discover on your own, as I am too tired to outline them for you.
As you begin to institutionalize in her mind the ideas that bring about tiredness, you mustn't let her ponder why she is tired for she would quickly discover your game. If she does discover it, push her towards false explanations such as her constitution, her calling, or (and this is one of my favorites) your work in her life – all of which place her on the back foot and keep her from the way out. Her natural condition is one of unrest of the soul whose remedy is the first thing our foe calls them to. An offer easy to refuse if they see their tired condition as normal without the possibility of abatement. But her condition can be disguised when the stresses of life are decreased due to monetary flourishing. Sleep, and the quality thereof, functions much like a barometer, but you must press on her that it is an entity in its own right, upon which blame can be placed.
If you haven’t already learned – indeed, at your current rate it would surprise me if you had – human life resembles a multifaceted spectrum by design. The substructure of reality is ever moving towards them. Choices must be made in this plane, until their time is up and they move on to the next plane. Sleep presents two extremes: too much and we win, too little and watch her self-destruct. (Though, here I must add that there exists a concerning strand of mutated humanoids who find it possible to survive on four hours of sleep – a fact our side hasn’t quite figured out what to do with.) Do try to avoid letting her ask why she is always so tired and if there is a reality in which one is not constantly drained.
Sleep is an investment activity in which all must partake. Those who have not found satisfaction in the day will find it difficult to end the search disappointed, often looking for means to hide this painful reality and thus prolonging the cycle. Those who have found the refreshing spring maximize their mind and sinew’s possibilities and drink of the sweetness of rest, though to me it wreaks more of sulfur. In the unfortunate event that their side can stake a claim on her, indicate that the way forward on his path is to meet his unending list of demands. If she bites, she is well on her way to disillusionment and discouragement at the prospect of having yet another unsuccessful go. It's all quite simple, really, and extraordinarily effective.
And here’s a free tip. To bypass the tiring work of engraining such ideas into your patient’s skull cave, lead her to those who already have them. You will be surprised to find how many of them say the kingdom is his but act as if it is theirs. If you haven’t the energy to succeed in your tasks like every other half-crazed belligerent scum-fuddle in these parts, let the enemy’s own do it for you. Though, I do have a few projects I will need help with during your newfound spare time.
Your Affectionate Uncle, Wormwood
P.S. - You’ve heard it said that what your claws find to do, you are to do with everything in you. But I say to you: you will do, with everything in you, what I tell you to do. One of our scouts has reported overhearing you tell another of your desire to be the best educated lay tempter you could be. This is unacceptable. You will not be a mere second-rate educated lay tempter, for you will have no influence and no one will ever listen to you. Unlike the other side, I can’t build my empire with ordinary pupils. You will follow me and my infallible insight, and do as I say, which is the only way leaders are made, and seek the coveted mantle of leadership (or in this case ‘lordship’) which entails nothing but ease, endless benefits, and the enviable position I now occupy. See to it that you disregard the enemy’s exhortation which also happens to be an injunction, “as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me.”